Salsa at Kazoo's every Sunday

general discussion and announcements for dancing in Atlanta. All dance-related posts welcome!

Salsa at Kazoo's every Sunday

Postby admin » Sun Aug 04, 2002 1:34 am

Every Sunday at the Checkered Parot off Jimmy Carter Boulevard, they have Salsa Dancing. Doors open at 7 pm and doors close at 2 am. Music is provided by Atlanta's finest DJ's including:
DJ Andres - Los Recuerdos
DJ Junior - Deux Plex
DJ Carlos Morales - Toungue & Groove
My friend Nick tells me that there is plenty of room to dance and he usually gets there about 10 pm. If anyone goes, please post here in the forums about your experience. I used to work nearby several years ago. Back then it was nothing but a bar and hangout with trivia, sports, etc. Nick says it's cool.

5475 Jimmy Carter Blvd
Norcross,GA 30093
Phone: 770-446-6917
Email: [email protected]

Here is a picture of the place:
Site Admin
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Joined: Wed Dec 09, 2009 7:56 am

Its not the Chequered parrot

Postby Bettyboop » Fri Aug 09, 2002 12:31 am

Actually Tangodancer, the Kazoo nightclub is next door to the Chequered parrot. I have been there and your friend is right. It is an awsome
place to dance with a friendly crowd.
The ceilings are high so the non smokers (like me!) can enjoy their
dancing without that choking feeling.The dance floor is large so there is
no bumping into your neighbor. I encourage all to attend. Even if you have to work on monday, this place gets hopping early as opossed to
later like most clubs. We were there at 10:00 and it was pretty happening.
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Aug 09, 2002 12:22 am

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