HELP! trying to teach my boyfriend to dance....

general discussion and announcements for dancing in Atlanta. All dance-related posts welcome!

HELP! trying to teach my boyfriend to dance....

Postby onepaintedpinky » Fri Nov 19, 2004 8:56 pm

im 18 years old, and i *LOVE* dancing! ive always loved it, and have a natural talent in it. my boyfriend and i have been dating for almost 10 months, and have gone to school dances, and clubs together. his main move is the "sway"...which every girl hates haha . he says i never get freaky when we dance, but its because he doesn't know how to move with me. its like he just stands there and expects me to move all over him w/ out his participation. or when i try, its like hes about to fall backwards so he backs up...which loses contact and kinda ruins everything haha. i want us to be that couple that everyone looks at! the couple that dances so well together. we've talked about it a few times when he gets frustrated, but i don't know what to do! ive tried giving him examples, explaining things out, but im running out of ideas. can someone please help me?! my boyfriend needs to learn to be a good dancer!(w/ practice of course!!)
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Joined: Fri Nov 19, 2004 8:44 pm

Postby jdavidb » Sat Nov 20, 2004 6:03 am

Partner dances supply the ideal systems to use to fix all of these problems. The fastest route is to spend at least 4 hours (one month) in a group class to get started off with the best tension & compression.

What are yours & his favorite kinds of music that you want to dance to? If it's radio rock, get into West Coast Swing. If you get into WCS, and you find that a lot of songs you want to dance to have tempos that make WCS feel like they drag too slow... the Hustle is the remedy for that. WCS is like the center of the universe. Almost everything you learn in WCS can be converted to one of the other rock or swing dances.
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Joined: Fri Apr 16, 2004 11:01 am
Location: Kennesaw, GA

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