Artistic Production Group Auditions

general discussion and announcements for dancing in Atlanta. All dance-related posts welcome!

Artistic Production Group Auditions

Postby KayKay » Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:45 pm

Artistic Production Group needs to immediately fill positions for singers and dancers who can act and have versatility to work in different areas of the entertainment industry for a variety production show called Hypnotica. Shows are being scheduled for corporate events, performing arts centers, cruise ships, colleges, and comedy clubs. Rehearsals will begin immediately. May lead to long-term contract with union pay for right candidates. Send headshot and resume to [email protected] or call 678-878-8414.
Posts: 187
Joined: Tue May 24, 2005 9:41 pm

Dancers Needed

Postby studio » Tue Oct 04, 2005 12:19 pm

Do you have the hottest dance moves and a passion for performing!!!! Well Studio_N_Stage Productions want you to be apart of their "Remedy" dance showcase. This event will be going down on November 4, 2005 at The Artist Factory, home of many celebrities. To find out more about this exclusive event and audition date please contact Adama at 347-247-9814 before October 14, 2005.
Hope to hear from you soon..........

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Studio_N_Stage Productions presents "Remedy" hip hop dance competition.
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