
general discussion and announcements for dancing in Atlanta. All dance-related posts welcome!


Postby wisher418 » Sun Jan 16, 2005 9:35 am

I have only live in Atlant for a year and a half. I am a very talented dancer but it has been a few years since I have had any training. I need a few classes to remotivate me but my budget is very tight...any suggestions?
[email protected]

Postby admin » Sun Jan 16, 2005 7:20 pm

You should save up and get a class card from a place like Atlanta Ballet or Dance 101. It's usually a little over $100, but if you REALLY want to get back into it, why not pay one price and go to as many classes as possible?
The per class cost is a lot less this way.

Alternately, maybe you can find a non-profit group that is doing a show, and you can just join the show as a volunteer. Often Creative Loafing has things like this. It may require an audition.
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Postby allithomas » Fri Jan 28, 2005 5:58 am

Check out Gotta Dance & Company. Their website is
They have great rates and they will work out a payment plan with you.
You could also work at a dance studio in exchange for classes.

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