talented kids wanted

Exceptional sites featuring great artistry or multimedia - not necessarily Atlanta.

talented kids wanted

Postby guest » Wed May 26, 2004 11:31 am

Two 8-Counts Entertainment Is looking for talented kids ages 5 and up to be a part of our casting company. We cast dancers in music videos and entertainment events. If you are interested please call Laura at 770-597-6160 or email at [email protected] Auditions will be held within two weeks so please call soon.

good dancer

Postby mattmatt » Fri Nov 11, 2005 11:27 am

Hi my name is matthew Beauford and I am trying to get some were with dancing and I'v been dancing sence I was 7 and now I'm 15 going on 16. I can do all kind of dancing like tick,breakdance,and krump.I love to flip also.Right now I'm on the dance and step team,and I am not a bad person and VERY RESPECTFUL that's the way my mother tought me to be.I was bourn in atlanta but I stay in Monroe GA,But i'm moveing back before thanksgiving. Well I got to go PLEASE HELP ME DO SOMETHING WITH MY TALENT.

THANKS with lots of love
P.S you can reach me at 770-266-8012 or E-mail me at [email protected]770-266-1987
Matthew Beauford
My name is matthew beauford and i like to dance and looking for somewere i could get a chance to show everybody I can dance.I can tick,krump,and breakdance.Ireally can do most of anything
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Nov 02, 2005 9:18 am
Location: monroe,Ga

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