Free Resources and Services for Dancers

Exceptional sites featuring great artistry or multimedia - not necessarily Atlanta.

Free Resources and Services for Dancers

Postby robino » Sat May 14, 2005 12:52 am is a web site for dancers, and other cultural and
social workers, that provides access to a wide range of resources,
services and products within the areas of cultural, educational,
entrepreneurial, health and social development.

Some of the free services that may be of particular interest to dancers

The Dancer Directory - A free service that provides dancers with their
own one page online profile to direct potential employers towards,
avoiding large file transfer and inconsistent formats whilst emailing
resumes etc.

Dance Jobs Australia - A free service that allows visitors to browse or
submit postings for jobs and auditions within professional Australian
dance companies.

There are several other free resources and services available, for more
information visit . is a web site for dancers, and other cultural and social workers, that provides access to a wide range of resources, services and products within the areas of cultural, educational, entrepreneurial, health and social development.
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Joined: Sat May 14, 2005 12:47 am

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