Salsa Atl Launches a New Website for Salsa in Atlanta

Talk about the salsa scene here in Atlanta ... clubs, schools, teachers, concerts

Salsa Atl Launches a New Website for Salsa in Atlanta

Postby msheriff69 » Thu May 11, 2006 2:20 am

Salsa Atl Launches a New Website for Salsa in Atlanta to Cover All Atlanta Salsa Events

The Atlanta salsa community will be out in full force on the evening of May 13, 2006, as and Jimmy Rumba Productions join forces to present The Rebirth. Join us at Take Hold Ballroom as we celebrate a rebirth, with the re-launch of, and a birthday, of Atlanta's own two-time Mayan World Salsa Champion, Jimmy Rumba.

ATLANTA (PRWEB) May 10, 2006 -- The Atlanta salsa community will be out in full force on the evening of May 13, 2006, as and Jimmy Rumba Productions join forces to present The Rebirth. Join us at Take Hold Ballroom as we celebrate a rebirth, with the re-launch of, and a birthday, of Atlanta's own two-time Mayan World Salsa Champion, Jimmy Rumba.

Founded in 2003 by Marcel Sheriff, was established to serve as a resource for the local salsa community by providing unbiased, comprehensive information on salsa dancers, classes, instructors, concerts, and special events in Atlanta. The site quickly became recognized for its up-to-date information, and extensive photo and video galleries. Salsa enthusiasts in Atlanta, across the Southeast, and beyond have now come to regard as the premier information source for all things salsa in Atlanta. Site visitors have watched it grow from a one-man webpage to a four-person organization that provides photo/video services, newsletters, event promotion, and event production, including that of SalsaATL's signature event, Flava Invasion. On Saturday, May 13, will be celebrating its growth, which has culminated in a full site re-launch, to go live that very evening.

Joining SalsaATL in the celebration is one of Atlanta's best-known salsa celebrities, Jimmy Rumba, who will be celebrating his own birth. Jimmy's birthday parties are famous for two things--all-star appearances and surprises--and this year will be no different. The party will kick up a notch, as Jimmy's fellow Mayan World Salsa finalists, Los Angeles' own Rony and Dinora, hit the floor with one of their signature stellar performances. As for the surprises, there will be plenty in store.
SalsaATL and Jimmy Rumba's Rebirth--don't miss it, or you'll miss out.

Visit for more information.

As you all know Marcel Sherrif was the creator of the SalsaATL newsgroup and the website. He was doing a great job but he reached a point that would change the course of our salsa world forever. At a low point, he felt stymied. He had this great vision of litlle salsero boys and girls from all corners of the world thriving in Atlanta where there would be a dynamic and bustling scene. He saw how could help this all happen. But alas, he was but one man and could not continue alone. In his wisdom, he knew this. So he sought inspiration from the 4 monks on 7 layer falls, widely known for their wisdom and salsa prowess. These monks belong to a little known sect that have combined salsa into their religious teachings. Marcel knew this was the best source of help in his dilemma. So he contacted them, by email of course, and shared with them his questions about life, love and salsa.

In Yoda-like fashion they responded:

"On life, only one you have and live it you must. Best lived life is, full of spins and dips and a partner that helps you hide your slips. Be you one in the way.
"On love, many you may find but only one may prevail. That one will be like salsa, somewhat chunky yet flowing and a great source of flavor. Be you one in the way.
"On salsa, not the beginning or end of all things this is, but a great middle it makes. Yet where you have one chili you need more, consider adding 4 and be you one in the way."

He searched within his heart and weighed these words heavily in his mind and then set upon a quest. Upon his return he felt fulfilled and wrote back to the monks:
"So like ahh, I think I figured out what you mean?well about salsa anyway. I need a team to make this whole thing work. Well, I think I found one. I have three friends to help me renew my efforts and make Atlanta and significant stars in the salsa universe. As for the other two, well.. I'll get back to you on that."

And with those words, the new salsaatlanta crew was born. Marcel Sherrif, Maya Garner, Ana Garcia and Wayne Harris. These new members all have different perspectives and ties to the salsa community, but one goal. This team is charged with the mission of bringing insight and perhaps new inspiration to Atlanta's salsa scene. May they be one in the way.
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Joined: Tue Apr 12, 2005 8:45 pm

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