Tangology - Argentine Tango nights at Javaology
Drop by to dance tango, or just have a glass of wine, chat, and enjoy the edgy urban atmosphere. We welcome all tango dancers - no matter what age or nationality you are or what the "color" of your tango is.
We will also present a small surprise performance from time to time around 10pm. If you have hidden talents, are an artist, know an artist, or want to try out something – here’s your chance. The community is vibrant and full of talent, and we want to give that creativity a space.
WHEN: Every first and third Wednesday of the month, 8-11pm
Learn from 8-9pm, Social Dancing from 9-11pm
Dates 2006: Nov-1, Nov-15, Dec-6, Dec-20
WHERE: Javaology Coffee Shop, 466 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta GA 30312
(corner of Boulevard and Edgewood)
COSTS: $5 to dance, $3 for students with ID (money goes to owner, please pay at register)
CONTACT: "[email protected]"
Presented by The Tangojunkies