Saturday, May 6, 2006
1 - 4pm
Atlanta Ballroom Dance Centre
$40 per person
Rick and Lynda will conduct this special workshop of Argentine tango basics. This 3-hour introductory session will enable newcomers to join in the Monday night, 8pm group classes. The vocabulary covered will also provide the participants with the skills to enjoy a simple dance at a tango party. For those dancers who have already had some Argentine tango classes, this is an opportunity to refine your basics.
No partner or previous dance experience needed.
Advance registration required. Call 404-325-1360, or email [email protected] with your full name and contact information, so that we can confirm your place in the workshop, as the gender balance unfolds.
Please arrive at 12:45pm - to check in, pay fee(cash or check to Lynda Wilson), change shoes if needed - and be ready to start at 1pm.
Bonus: Each workshop participant will receive a coupon for free admission to the May 13, Barrio Norte, tango party.