New Classes at Ga Tech

Are you a ballroom dancer in Atlanta? Please tell us about what's happening.

New Classes at Ga Tech

Postby KayKay » Tue Jan 09, 2007 1:16 pm

I recieved this from the Gatech Ballroom Dance Club and thought I would share...
Dear dancers,

Hope you enjoyed the holidays. The Spring dance classes will start next Sunday, January 14.
While we plan to offer 2 levels of classes - beginner and intermediate, the schedule has not yet been decided. We’ll hold two joined classes next Sunday to see how much interest there is in both levels and what time is preferred by majority. We advise the new members as well as beginners who started in the Fall to continue as beginners this Spring. You will learn all new dances this semester (Tango & Jive). The intermediate level presupposes the familiarity with beginner steps and is better suited for the more experienced dancers.

Sun, Jan 14 9:30pm-11:30pm: All levels @ Studio C, CRC ***Latin and Standard***

The final schedule will be posted online at

The first class will be free and open to everyone. Membership forms will be
available after the first class and semester fees will be collected by our
Treasurer, Wei Yu, shortly after that (you'll hear about it by email).

To attend the classes at the Georgia Tech Campus Recreation Center (CRC), you must:
1) have a valid buzzcard in order to enter the CRC, or
2) be a guest of someone who has a valid buzzcard and can enter the CRC.
Please refer to the CRC entry policies (

Thank you for your interest!
We know you are serious about your desire to learn to dance, you are attracted to the music and beautiful forms, you love fun fitness and want to
be good at what you do. We share your desires. Join us! Our club is for people who dance for fitness, pleasure and show. In other words for competitors, performers and very demanding social dancers.
Irina Nikiforova
Ballroom Dance Club at Georgia Tech
Posts: 187
Joined: Tue May 24, 2005 9:41 pm

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