Buenos Aires Blues (Knoxville, June 1-3)

Information about Milongas, classes and workshops.

Buenos Aires Blues (Knoxville, June 1-3)

Postby snowdrop » Fri Apr 20, 2007 1:27 pm

Hi, everybody! I hope this is the right place to post this -- it's for all you lovely tangueros and tangueras! :D


A tango-blues fusion workshop brought to you by Shorty George Productions

If you can’t manage a way to put these tinges of Spanish in your tunes,
you’ll never be able to get the right seasoning for jazz music.
- Jelly Roll Morton

Buenos Aires Blues is a dance workshop June 1-3 in Knoxville TN, devoted to the
fusion of blues and tango dancing. The goal is to provide dancers with a broad
new vocabulary for interpreting jazz, blues, and tango music.

Registration opens April 20 at noon -- that's TODAY!!!

The first ten people to register will get the special early bird price of $55. After that, the price goes up to $75.... except that there is a special discount for membership in a local swing society*.

*organization discount: registrants who are confirmed members of their (or a) local swing organization will receive a $5 discount from the full registration price. further details available at the registration page.
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Postby snowdrop » Fri Apr 20, 2007 1:43 pm

Registration is OPEN!
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Postby snowdrop » Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:56 am

Registration opened Friday, and the response has already been tremendous! PhysicsDan was enjoying ATLX so much this weekend that he decided that any registrations completed (along with payment received) before 11.59pm Monday (Eastern Time) will be honored at the Early-bird
price of $55. Registration price goes up to $75 at 12.01am Tuesday.
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Postby snowdrop » Tue May 01, 2007 9:43 am

I was poking around on the Buenos Aires Blues website the other day, and ran into the music page. If you’re on the fence about registering, or if you want a sneak preview of the cool music that you may be hearing, take a listen! Dan has asked each of his DJ’s to give him a music sample, and the results range from totally blues to entirely tango, with a bit of fusion slipping in between. Atlanta tango instructor and DJ Clint Rausch has even included a link to his online radio station, Tango evolution radio!

The registration slots have been going fast, and we’re delighted by the positive responses from both the blues/swing and tango communities. We are noticing, however, that the ladies have been a little bit faster than the gentlemen to register, so gentlemen, don’t procrastinate until the last minute! The registration price remains $75 until May 12 (late registration $90 until May 25; at the door $120 if any spots remain).
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Postby snowdrop » Fri May 04, 2007 7:59 am

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Please cover your ears for the following public service announcement.

Superb dancers from the length of the east coast have been snatching up the available registration slots for Buenos Aires Blues. Dancers of both the tango and blues persuasions (and some mixed!) are coming from as far north as Boston, MA, and as far south as Orlando, FL. We do have some slots left (and gentlemen, thank you for the response; we do still need you), but the registration price of $75 is valid for only one more week. Register now, before the registration price becomes the late registration price on May 12!
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Postby snowdrop » Tue May 08, 2007 9:40 am

Head’s up, y’all! Only 3 (that’s THREE!) days of registration remain before May 12, when the price increases from $75 to the $90 late registration price. We’ve been wowed by the response from the leads – I guess you just needed a reminder to register!, but we would still encourage the leads to register promptly (yep, Dan has said the words “cap” and “registration” in the same sentence in the last week. I’m trying to make sure he doesn’t actually follow through… at least not yet…).
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Postby snowdrop » Thu May 10, 2007 2:44 pm

Friday is the last chance to sign up for Buenos Aires Blues at the
regular registration price of $75. It will then go up to the Late
Registration price of $90, so sign up NOW! Don’t procrastinate – registration is limited, and we have a LIMITED (by which I mean, “limited and steadily approaching single digits”) number of registration slots available.
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Postby snowdrop » Fri May 11, 2007 6:54 am

Regular registration will close at 11.59pm EST Tonight (Friday). Please note that registration is now VERY LIMITED (which means approaching single digits VERY RAPIDLY if not already there. it's 6am, and our registration person is not going to wake up just to count the last couple hours of registrants...).
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Postby snowdrop » Wed May 16, 2007 1:48 pm

Regular registration for Buenos Aires Blues closed last Friday, but late registration ($90) will remain open until all tickets are sold. We are awed by the interest in this workshop – participants include dancers from across the country, from Boston to Miami, from Minneapolis to Houston, and from Raleigh to San Diego. Since we’ve had so many registrations and so much continued interest, we’ve taken a careful look at the registration cap to see whether we could open some additional slots. We wanted to make sure that the quality of the workshop experience would be optimal for everybody before increasing the cap. We were able to raise the cap slightly in response to the interest in the workshop. Currently there are a handful of slots available for leads, but registration is closed for follows. If you’re thinking about coming or if you think you would enjoy the workshop, we recommend that you register quickly since registration will close when the few available slots are sold.

We are incredibly excited about Buenos Aires Blues and the interest and quality of our registrants. We’re looking forward to seeing you in Knoxville – don’t forget your dancing shoes!!!!
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Postby snowdrop » Tue May 22, 2007 11:31 am

Late registration closes this Friday, May 25. Some space has opened up, so we have a VERY small number of slots available for solo leads or for lead/follow couples; solo follows will be on a waitlist.
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Postby snowdrop » Fri May 25, 2007 1:22 pm

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Buenos Aires Blues is SOLD OUT.

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