Get ready ATL!
If you missed last year's Apollo Night For Dancers
YOU wanna make sure to catch us in 2005!
3rd Annual Apollo Night For Dancers
Join the audience and our panel of prestigious entertainment professionals
to help judge & discover the most talented dancers in the southeast.
Invite your Family and Friends to experience Dance like never before
Featuring hip-hop, jazz, salsa, swing, break dancers, belly dancers & many more!
!! The Winner will receive AWESOME prizes !!
Special Performances by Dance411 Dancers*
Saturday, May 14th
Time: 7:30pm
North Atlanta Performing Arts School
2875 Northside Drive NW
Atlanta, GA 30305
$20 in advance. $30 @ the door.
Buy your tickets NOW by visiting our website
by calling 404.909.5682
Photos and DVD's of the entire show will be available.